
two lines on a pregnancy test

Two Lines on a Pregnancy Test: What Does It Mean?

Everyone takes a pregnancy test for the very first time. When you take a home pregnancy test for the first time, you will have a lot of questions. How do you know if it is negative? What do two lines on a pregnancy test mean? Why are there two lines? There are so many questions!

When you head to the store to purchase a home pregnancy test, you have two different options. The first option is a digital test that displays PREGNANT or NOT PREGNANT depending on your results. However, digital pregnancy tests carry a much higher price tag. Two digital tests could cost as much as $15 to $20, but many ladies prefer these because there is no question about the results. They are very easy to read.

The second option is a traditional pregnancy test. Traditional home pregnancy tests display the results with either one or two lines. One of the reasons women prefer these types of tests is the decreased cost. While good pregnancy tests still cost money, you can get traditional tests in larger packs, making the price per test much cheaper.

convertible car seat

Best Affordable Convertible Car Seat

A car seat is the one piece of baby gear that no family should have to be without, even if you don’t have a car!  There are a few different styles of car seats depending on your child’s age and weight and over time the cost of having to replace them can add up fairly quickly.  Newborns will always start out in a rear facing seat, which is the safest and then will eventually move up to a “big kid” booster seat. This is bad news for families who are on a tight budget or ones who are looking to save money.  Luckily for you there is another option other than constantly buying car seats that will not only save you stress but money as well!  These fantastic products are called convertible car seats.

baby crib

Bassinets vs. Cribs

In the parenting community, there are few battles that are more widely talked about than the bassinets vs. cribs debate.  While some parents sweat by the portability and the comfort of bassinets, other parents refuse to accept anything other than a sturdy traditional baby crib.  So which is best?  It all depends on what will work best for you and you little one.  While there are a lot of advantages to buying both, that isn’t an option for everyone.  So if you have a strict budget and are totally lost about which direction you should take your child’s sleep into, stay tuned!

The first thing you have to know when breaking down the battle of bassinets vs. cribs is that while they both serve the same purpose, they are indeed very different.  Not only are they different in size and style but there is a huge difference in price when may help to sway your decision.  While each style and variety of each of these baby beds offers something a little bit different, the idea behind it is exactly the same.  Here is a breakdown of each so you know what to expect and can choose for yourself which one is superior.

teething baby

Baltic Amber Teething Necklaces: An In-depth Look

Every day it seems like there is a new trendy product for babies coming out.  From fancy new seats to toys that are meant to help with overstimulation, the minimalist products don’t seem to be slowing down.  But, what is practical and what is just a passing trend?  More importantly, are these new products actually safe for your child to use? 

One of the problems that many of these new products are trying to help with is teething.  Teething is a painful time for your child but even more painful for you as a parent to watch.  This is why so many companies are trying to jump on the teething bead trend to help bring your little one some relief.  This is exactly the case when it comes to the Baltic Amber Teething Necklaces.  These newly popular items seem to be popping up all over social media. So, do they work and are they worth it?  Here is what I found out.

traveling with baby

Top Ten Tips for Traveling with Your Baby

Having a special trip coming up is an exciting thing.  There is no better way to reset yourself and your mind than having a vacation or a short road trip.  While all of the excitement of a trip is totally normal, so is the stress that comes along with it.  Besides the obvious financial stresses, there is the worry about what to bring and activities you should plan for. 

This stress only is elevated when you are planning on taking a trip with a baby.  These days it seems that you can’t even go to the store with a baby without a full day of planning ahead of time.  If you find yourself in this boat, don’t worry!  There are plenty of ways to help get prepared for a successful outing for both you and your baby.  Here are the top ten tips for traveling with your baby that are sure to guarantee a good time for all.

causes of male infertility

What are the Causes of Male Infertility?

10 to 15 percent of couples face infertility issues. At least one-third of those couples dealing with male infertility rather than the assumed female infertility. These couples might wonder what are the causes of male infertility and how do you treat those issues.

What is Male Infertility?

Male infertility is a condition that lessens the possibility of starting a family with his partner. Infertility could stem from a variety of things, from injuries to issues creating sperm. People know that the process of conception for females is complicated and delicate, but it is the same for males. Let’s take a look at the process.

babies crying cute crying baby

What to Do If a Baby Wakes Up Every Night Crying

Every parent knows the amazing feeling of watching their little bundle of joy sleeping soundly in their crib.  This moment of peace makes all of the work that goes into raising a child totally worth it.  While some babies do indeed take to sleeping like a duck to water, that isn’t always the case.  If you are like most parents you may know that it is actually a really difficult task to get a baby, especially a newborn, sleeping through the night.  One thing that may help to ease your overtired mind is that you are not alone in this seemingly endless journey of sleepless nights. 

Each parent knows that there are few things worse than settling in for the night and finally getting a moment to yourself to be suddenly thrown by your child’s cries.  Luckily for you there are some great tips and tricks to not only help your child learn to self sooth and cope on their own while also helping you understand why your baby wakes up every night crying. Here are some things to help you get through this sometimes overwhelming stage in your child’s life.

mother breast feeding her child while working

How to Manage Breastfeeding While Working

One of the hardest things to do as a parent is to return to work after your baby is born.  You don’t want to miss a single second or milestone.  While this is a guilt that every working parent faces, it is even harder for breastfeeding mothers.  This is because breastfeeding has a direct chemical link to your brain that gives you the overwhelming need to feed your child.

 Breastfeeding is an important part of your child’s life so you should never feel like you are not doing your job correctly because you need to either pump or breastfeed.  Try to stay vigilant to not give up when it comes to breastfeeding either.  While it may be hard and even embarrassing at times, it is necessary.  Remember, you are your child’s champion so if there is something at work that is preventing you for doing this, you have every right to speak up!

can a pregnancy test be wrong

Can a Pregnancy Test Be Wrong?

When a woman takes a pregnancy test, they do so in hopes of getting a definitive answer to one of life’s burning questions.  Am I pregnant?  Many times even after the stick turns pink, there is still that tiny bit of doubt that may lurk deep inside your mind. So, can a pregnancy test be wrong?  It is a frustrating thing to know that, yes, pregnancy tests can be wrong, but not always for the reason you think.  This is because most at home pregnancy tests on average are only 98% accurate and while this is a large percentage, there is always that 2%.  That little window of inaccuracy leaves many women with more questions than answers.  So before you take the word of your pregnancy test result, consider these factors that can lead to an incorrect pregnancy test reading.

baby sleeping too much

Is it Possible that My Baby is Sleeping Too Much?

Babies are known to sleep a lot, even though you might feel like the walking dead from lack of sleep. The truth is that newborn babies can sleep anywhere from 16 to 20 hours asleep. However, their sleep is broken up, and we are used to a large chunk. The constant waking then sleeping pattern makes us feel as if we never get enough sleep.

So, what do you do when you feel as if your baby is sleeping too much? Chances are your friends will tell you to thank your lucky stars, but a nagging feeling is telling you something is wrong. You want to see your baby’s beautiful eyes, and you’re beginning to wonder what is going on. Can babies sleep too much? Before you go too far, the chances that something is wrong is rare, so don’t fret too much. Now, let’s take a look at what you need to know.