
baby in diapers

Best Overnight Diapers for Heavy Wetters: The Top Overnight Diapers Reviewed

Any parent knows the struggle of helping their child when it comes to bedtime.  Especially in newborns, sleeping through the night sometimes seems like an impossible task.  There are many reasons why some children have a harder time than others when it comes to sleeping.  While newborns sleep when they want to, older babies should start to develop a more healthy sleep pattern.  One reason why you may find your little one not sleeping through the night properly is because of the type of diaper they are wearing.  

jungle themed nursery

Jungle Theme Nursery

Transforming your baby’s nursery into a jungle-themed paradise can create a whimsical and adventurous space for your little one to grow and explore. From vibrant colors to playful animal decorations, a jungle theme nursery offers a world of imagination right at home.

things to avoid saying to your kids

9 Things To Avoid Saying To Your Kids

We all love our children to the end of the world. However sometimes life is so stressful and we are too busy to take it all. Kids ask a million questions, run about, pester us and simply get on our nerves at times. And there are times when we just can’t stand it all and erupt like Mount Vesuvius. On these occasions we might say something that could hurt our little ones’ feelings. Harsh words that make them feel confused are the last thing you need for kids at a tender age. But it is something that all parents must have said at one time or another. Let us go over some of the most common phrases that we might be tempted to say, but that we should do our best to avoid uttering, for our kids’ benefit.

baby sign language

Baby Sign Language

Baby sign language is becoming a popular way of communicating with infants. After 4 months, babies are considered to have reached a phase where they are developmentally ready to communicate with their parents by means of signs. Here are some of the most popular signs you might wish to learn so as to understand your baby better.

happy mom plays with her young baby son 1

Signs That Your Baby Loves You

Despite the fact that your baby cannot talk to you, deep down you know that there is a bond between you. What you may not know is that your baby will demonstrate how much they love you by means of certain signs. Let us go over these cute baby ways and signs.

potty training

Potty Training

Potty training marks a significant milestone in your child’s growth and development. While it may happen effortlessly for some little ones, it can be quite a hurdle for others. The reassuring news is that every healthy child will eventually master potty training. So, even if you’ve been encountering a seemingly never-ending series of obstacles and setbacks, remember this fundamental fact. What’s even more encouraging is that there are numerous straightforward potty training suggestions and strategies that can help smooth this transition period. We’ve compiled some of these valuable potty training tips for you below.

Bath Seats for Infants

Bath Seats for Infants – The Best Bath Chairs for Babies

When the time comes to give your precious baby a bath, you quickly realize that using a regular adult-sized tub just won’t do the trick! Babies have unique bathing needs, and that’s where dedicated baby bathtub seats come to the rescue. These specially designed seats can be placed in a standard tub or even nestled comfortably in your kitchen sink, offering a secure and comfortable bathing experience for your little one. Selecting the perfect baby bathtub seat for your newborn or adding one to your baby registry requires thoughtful consideration of several essential factors.

baby wash

The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Best Organic Baby Wash for Sensitive Skin

Organic baby wash is a great alternative to normal baby wash for parents who want to do their best to help their child lead a more natural life.  Not only are organic baby washes made from earth friendly ingredients but they are never composed with chemicals or artificial perfumes which may irritate baby’s skin.  This is a great option for little ones who suffer from sensitive skin which is often irritated by heavy perfumes and scents.

organic baby shampoo

The 9 Best Organic Baby Shampoo for Your Baby 

The demand for organic bath products for babies on the rise. Parents are learning that not all shampoos and body washes are created equal, and they want the safest option for their newest family member. Unless your baby has long locks at birth, there isn’t any reason to use a separate body wash for your baby. A baby shampoo equals a body wash, so you just need to find the best organic baby shampoo for your family!  

child washing shampoo

Naturally Clean and Fresh: Best Organic Baby Shampoo and Wash Products Reviewed

The more information that becomes available about all of the additives in common baby products, like shampoo and baby wash, the more parents are searching for a more natural solution to their baby’s washing needs.  You may be surprised to learn that some common baby care products are loaded with unwanted ingredients like alcohol, dyes and perfumes.  These additives can not only do damage on the earth over time, but can cause havoc on your little one’s skin.  A great way to help to do your part when it comes to the environment and your child’s overall health is to seek out baby products that stay true to a more natural lifestyle.  One product you should consider switching to is organic baby shampoos and washes.